God and the New Atheism: A Critical Response to Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens

Haught, basing his methodology on the theology of Tillich, Barth, Rahner and other similar theologians, applies logic to the problem of the new soft-core atheism, but with a focus on the problem, not (for the most part) the theological implications. A final chapter (using theistic evolution as it's argument) caps off the book with an attack on the atheists' understanding of God, thus showing that these books are simply attacking a fallacious version of a deity they believe to be the Christian God.

A world expert on science and theology gives clear, concise, and compelling answers to the charges against religion laid out in recent bestselling books by Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and Christopher Hitchens. Christopher Hitchens is one of the "new" atheists" of the modern era. He is a regular on MSNBC. Nothing could be more relevant than this book. The fact that some of Karl Barth's thinking is used in this book adds to the soundness of its premise.